迈森咖啡为岛城成员之一以咖啡豆焙炒、销售为主营的企业,经营以进口原产地咖啡豆为主的中**咖啡,并致力于当天烘焙、当天配货的咖啡销售网络的建设,为青岛及周边地区提供当天烘焙的香浓咖啡,满足顾客对咖啡口味越来越高的要求。 “迈森(Mission)咖啡”为迈森咖啡烘焙工坊的自有注册**,自开业以来,受到广大客户的一致**,已逐渐成为品质、诚信的代表。 咖啡的较佳口味期在烘焙后的一个月内,无论何种的包装,都无法**其内部变化及香味的散失,迈森咖啡提醒和建议广大客户:您每次的订货量不要**过一个月的消费量。 We roast only the finest coffee beans for retail,or commercial use, and create personal blends to order, and shipping anywhere in China on the same days. We can fill all of your coffee needs, from gourmet beans to all the equipment, you need to brew fresh coffee at your home or office (wholesale also available). ..